Demo | Details |
Style : | Responsive Theme. |
Columns / Sidebar : | Two Column With A Left Sidebar. |
Colors : | Bright with the main color White. |
Features : | This is a full responsive template to fit all computer screens and mobile device screens .The template has a split header with a menu on the right.The posts have a read more with a round post image thumbnail.The header has a scroll activated fixed overlap so the menu scrolls with the reader. |
Help Videos : | How To Use Custom Templates |
Blog Tips : | Better Blog Tutorials |
Author Credit : | Designer |
I've uploaded this template to my blog and it looks beautiful. How to I customize the menu?
I can't download this template.. Getting "This shared file or folder link has been removed. " error.
There was a problem but it has been fixed and the download link is back working.
Is there a way to include a dropdown menu into the existing menu? i can't make it work.